Wednesday, May 6, 2009

poem: concerto


this is that wistful note to the last song you will ever hear
and realizing that forever will be in silence without music
this is that heartache of ages where there is no hope
and afterlives are carved from dreams of "a better place"
they all want to be there, away from the simple thing called life

who the fuck broke our souls into these tiny pieces?
rolled over our best selves and drowned peace in lies
how did we get left behind to fend for something unknown
so I know only my skin and am only acquainted with my bones
I choose to hear the song in the flowing of my blood

this is my tune and I will never live in silence with this
there will always be rushing and beating and breathing
no one but me can take away the drums of my own flesh
I am the one who owns this eternal symphony of self
and I will stay here in my body to conduct the opus


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