Sunday, June 27, 2010

joys of self-employment....


For those of you who missed it... I have a goal of 10,000 views of the Family Plan flash presentation on my website between now and the end of 2010.

I started this journey as a customer of the service and I believe so strongly in it and what it can do above and beyond any other similar services out there (which on closer examination, there aren't any really because the number two is sooooo far off with what is offered it is sad). Because of this belief, and because I know people personally who just the service alone has changed their lives so much... I feel it absolutely necessary to let EVERYONE know about it.

SO... I will keep posting and emailing about my website until I hit the goal. If you send the link, please be sure to let me know or copy me on the email so I will stop bugging you about it. Until then, I will keep letting you know about my website until you actually look at the presentation. :-)

The presentation can't give ALL the info in 3 minutes, but it's better than no info. Once you have a small idea of what the service is, then I will feel that I have done my part to further the cause of being sure average people have equal access to the legal system.

Of course if you want more info then what is on my website, feel free to call, text, or email me. :-)


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