Friday, April 8, 2011

new form every day... Canzonetta (day 12 of 365 in 365)

2011-01-12 09:27



the things that hold my heart are so fleeting
sometimes good things seem to easily slip away
so I reminisce once more on the chance first meeting
and wonder if tomorrow will be a better day
but today calls me and needs me
so I come back momentarily to my senses
finding the light of hope that feeds me
in spite of times I lowered my defenses

these things are what hold my minds attention
even though I'm proven wrong time and time again
silly things I shouldn't even mention
the best laid plans of mice regarding men
and there it is the crux of my weakness
what makes me play the fool just like a clown
such bitter pain I hardly dare speak this
the bottom point of my sliding spiral down




The Canzonetta or Canzonet is a variation of the canzone, a lyric poem of varying line length and metrical patterns. The Canzonetta consists of at least two octaves, and each octave uses a series of alternating couplets. The last line or last phrase is repeated in each stanza of the subsequent stanzas. The rhyme scheme is thus:
a. b. a. b. c. d. c. D.
a. b. a. b. c. b. c. B.

The latter one is called Canzonetta Prime and the use of a repeating rhyme word is helpful but not mandatory in order to strengthen the repetition bond. Although there is no set meter or line length, the meter of the first line is considered to set the tempo.


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