Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Poor neglected Blogger! An update...


Aw man! A year gone by and I *still* neglect this blogger... I post on facebook, and tumblr, and even, but not on poor Blogger!

I find it comically ironic that my last post A YEAR AGO was saying that I would stop neglecting this blog... That obviously didn't happen! So... no such promise this year... I'm not even going to lie and say that I will pay more attention over here... We'll see what happens.

And while I'm talking about that post a year ago... I wish I had my stuff together to actually do that nationwide philanthropic poetry tour to help artists learn to better handle money and stay out of or get out of bad debt. I thought I would have. I really did... but... nope. I'll have to get back on that when I am back from my sailing trip.

So... My BFF invited me to go on his coastal tour of the Americas! We will be starting from his home port in Orgeon and heading to the San Juan Islands off the coast of Washington and working our way down the pacific coast, up into the Sea of Cortez along the Baja peninsula and then back down on the other side on the Mexican coast, down to at least the Panama Canal but maybe even all the way around South America! I am mostly posting on tumblr and facebook with cross posts from those to twitter.

Here are all the places you can find posts about this trip: (@EmunaEndeavor)

 So follow any or all of the above to keep up with our big adventure! :-)


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