Sunday, October 11, 2009

Trying to move ahead and take others with me


Just so no one can say I never mentioned it: (internet opportunity pre launch with prepaid legal)

I am a very fortunate person.

I wanted prepaid legal for myself because I know that if I had that crystal ball that said I would get pulled over or subpoenaed (sp?) in so many months and was told I could start paying for the lawyer now at only about $30/mo then I would DEFINITELY do it. I know I need legal help with my taxes and debt and I am even going to try to get my fine reversed for the suspended license thing. So I happen to mention it to my friend Ed that I am going to talk to my other friend HB about it. Ed says he sells it and works with HB.

Well I procrastinated just long enough to get an email from HB about a new opportunity that will help people make money via the internet and it's FREE! It will launch either late this month or early next month. But wait there's more! If I become a prepaid legal associate, I can make even MORE money on the internet site AND have the PPL money too! BUT WAIT THERE IS *MORE*!! The fast track program for PrePaid Legal is usually $249 plus memebership AND IT WAS REDUCED TO $72!!!! Dude, WHERE DO I SIGN!!! Seriously.

I have known about Prepaid legal for over 10 years. Known it was a good idea to have the coverage just like car insurance is a good idea and health insurance is a good idea. 24hr access to a lawyer anywhere in the US and Canada and so many features and benefits that you really just need to clicky the linky because it is HUGE what you potentially can get for the little $30/mo. Just the will service ALONE is worth it. But when I first heard of it in Tucson I paid for like a month and then decided other things were more important. And when HB told me about it about 6 yrs ago again I paid for a month or two but let it lapse and the $249 was just too much to shell out all at once to me at that time (it really isnt a lot to start a business but you could't have told me that then).

Oh let me tell you about HB in case you didn't know. Harold Branch III was a starving artist college student when I met him and had really just started with PPL and was already making enough not to need a regular job when he offered the opportunity to me back then. NOW he is nearly at the six figure mark in income. Makes me wish I would have been more ambitious back when he first told me about the opportunity! Imagine where I could be if I had been doing this for 6 years instead of only a week or two!

So understand that if I call you or email you it is out of love because I want as many people to benefit from either having the legal protection or for those of you who want to do the business I would love to see more of my friends with a story like HB's.

with that said...
Due to an unforseen delay in the pre-launch of the website, PREPAID LEGAL IS EXTENDING THE DISCOUNT ON THE FAST TRACK! ONLY $72 AND YOU CAN MAKE MORE MONEY FASTER IN PPL! Plus being in PPL means you can earn more money on the website once it is up. PrePaid Legal Associates get the first two weeks to sign people up and the ONLY way to sign up for the first two weeks is through a prepaid legal associate.

Don't say I have never tried to help y'all. :-) (internet opportunity pre launch with prepaid legal)


1 comment:

  1. Wonderful article about prepaid legal.

    I did come across a blog It’s all about starting home business based on insurance and legal plans for a 36 year old cash-rich company. It is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange, and reports directly to the Securities & Exchange Commission. Their 15 consecutive years of RECORD growth... is 100% verifiable!

    James - Best home business opportunity
