Sunday, October 4, 2009

because good things are meant to be shared


This is a mass communication because I suck at individual contact but at the same time I have a wonderful amazing life! I want to share it with EVERYONE! Otherwise I would just be selfish and stuff right? :-)

OK that may seem obvious because if I wasnt then this would be a very creepy message to receive. :-P but no, this is more than just the status quo of ordinary survival. This is a physical happening! I’m involved with a great organization called People Unlimited ( ), which supports people to live without limitations. You should totally check them out because you know that I only allow the most AWESOME people in my world! :-)

There are SO many things in poetry going on and I wish I could go to them ALL but that would require warping the space time continuim some nights. I have narrowed myself down to two events the first and 3rd weeks of every month.

I have officially put myself in the running for the Women of the World Poetry Slam (WoWPS) and will be doing my thing at MadCap Theater every 1st and 3rd Thursday. If you plan on coming out to support me it is $5 and we are in the NewTimes theater to the left of the concession stand. (I say we like I work for Black Pearl or something! LOL!)

The other event I will be going to is HomeBase poetry set at the downtown Sheraton every 1st and 3rd Sunday. It is a very lovely set and a wonderfully casual yet upscale atmosphere. If you plan on attending come early when the doors open at 6pm to get your seat and take advantage of the $5 appetizer specials. This is also $5 admission. Hopefully I will see you there! :-)

3) MONEY! (and my legal issues you may not have known about)
I am blessed to have a good relatively high paying temp assignment right now. Even though it is very likely I will be put on another project when this one is done, I am not counting on this job for the longterm. So I have been looking for a relativley passive source of additional income. My good friend HB happened to have an in on a new internet based money maker with ties to over 400 reputable and well known companies. I can't even begin to explain it as well as he does so I wont even try but just suffice it to say that once I get my website hooked up I will be emailing the link for y'all to check it out. Because anything that can make money with no start up or monthly fees is worth at least looking at right? :-)

And my legal issues... I have been dealing with things that originated from the fender bender I got into back in January and really should have gotten some legal help. Fortunately I am amazing and so far have come out on top but I know that I will need help in the future so I decided to get hooked up with Prepaid Legal so that I would have access to legal help 24/7. If you ever sign any contracts or ever will and wish you had a lawyer on your side for ANY reason... you should totally hook up with this! It's like such a weight off my shoulders to have that peace of mind for myself and hey I CARE ABOUT YOU GUYS so I want you to have it too!!! :-)

So back to money... the online thing I was talking about has a special deal that makes you more money if you are a prepaid legal associate and frankly the more things I can write off on my taxes the better (did I ever tell you I owe almost $5k to the IRS and the state? Well, yeah I do.) AND... THIS WEEK THEY HAVE A HUGE DISCOUNT ON THE FAST START PROGRAM!!!! I know it is a good program and I saw my friend HB go from broke poet college student to big money maker (and still a poet but now without the "po". LOL!). So like he likes to say me joining up with PPL: "It just makes sense". So instead of $250-$300 start up costs it's only $99!!! I am so frikken excited about this I could just BURST! With a great company with a great program! HECK YEAH!

I know most you you have super awesome lives but if you know anyone who could benefit from this please pass it on and of course if my name is attached it will totally push me up the ladder on this thing.

And for those of you who want to but say "I just don't have the money" DROP THAT POVERTY CONSCIOUS AND FIND A WAY. but OK... if you can't then still get at me because there is always a way to do things and when that internet thing to make money without spending money goes live I will share that too! :-)

I have to share the good things. I shared God and Jesus when I found them. So why not share the things that benefit THIS life and what we are NOW? :-)

Hoping you all are Blessed, Happy, Healthy, and safe. :-)



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