Saturday, January 24, 2015

Random Rant of the Moment: Solar Suckiness

Do you know what irks me? SOLAR PANEL AND WIND GENERATOR FIELDS IRK ME. That's right. I said it. I do NOT like vast expanses of solar panels and windmills covering random landscapes in the middle of nowhere. I absolutely HATE them.

Do you know what would make a heck of a lot more sense? COVERING EVERY ROOF WITH SOLAR PANELS WOULD MAKE MORE SENSE. There would be no question of impact to the environment if utility companies just rented solar panels to people for a fixed rate per month. Something ridiculously awesomely inexpensive like $20/mo residential and $50-100/mo commercial. Why is it the 21st century and I am some complete nobody ranting in a blog about this instead of it actually being done all over the world? Even if one takes the greed aspect of capitalism into consideration, it still MAKES NO SENSE!


Dear Utility Companies of the World (Especially America),
Get with the freaking program and implement this already huh?
Thanks so much,

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