Friday, April 8, 2011

new form every day... Blank Verse (day 9 of 365 in 365)

2011-01-09 13:38



this is the view from stomach's eye, from ground
having never walked a leg but just crawled
this is the hiss of voice the quiet speech
anchored in depths of surface via grass
this is the accursed lot of life in shift always

(this is just a start... I'll come back to it later)


Blank Verse

Blank Verse is constructed with unrhymed (therefore blank) Iambic Pentameters. No other verse form is able to convey such a beatifull rhythm of spoken English or is able to be used for the various levels of speech. It is often used in dramatic monologues

Blank Verse was first used in English, in Surrey's translation of Virgil's Aeneid. The most famous uses of Blank Verse (aside from that used by Shakespeare in his plays) were in Milton's Paradise Lost, and Wordsworth's The Prelude.
Blank Verse is usually divided into verse paragraphs of varying length, though it can be used in stanzas of equal length

Regardless of how the Blank Verse is divided, the poems are of no set length. Every poet should read Paradise Lost, and to see example of how perfectly Blank Verse can capture the rhythms of spoken English, read Shakespeare.


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