Friday, April 8, 2011

speaking of having a dream... a poem inspired by a friend and the movie inception...

2011-01-17 17:54



It may seem insane from the outside
this sweeping falling gesture
the delicate fingering of the edge of a scarf
but don't you be fooled
don't think for a moment that I don't know

I know that this is illusion
that I am only dreaming
the top spins without falling
it is the cue of my existence
and yet I choose the dream
not to see the evidence to the contrary

so I roll with this ride
find tides in your eyes
so that I can float on that current
to land on the beaches of my own mind
the shores of my subconscious

maybe it was a dream
where I found you next to the familiar
and heard sad stories from your past
that I used to make this world
the place I house the thought of you

you are the new thing
the idea placed in the back of my mind
and I know I am not placed in yours
I am a wisp of a memory
a faded dream and you are now awake

I know that all I am is distant friend
hoping for at least this to be real
for the ties that brought you
to be the same that keep you
and that no matter what
I will be that pleasant space
in between the words to the happiest song

so I build futures with hope
wondering if love will come back home
or will you let her go for a new day?
who will be that sun that rises
on the horizon of your heart?

I know it will not be me
although I am the east
I do not think that I will rise
only be the transition
the lighting of the sky
before the sun takes its rightful place

until then
I will enjoy the view at the horizon
and watch you quietly and hope for the best
giving wishes to shooting stars and fountains
so that the blessings will multiply
into genie armies
that will, if not shelter you from harm,
at least keep you strong enough not to break

and in the meantime
I will continue to dream


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