Monday, April 11, 2011

new form every day... Curtal Sonnet (day 24 of 365 in 365)

2011-01-24 15:58



times today seem very wistful
only bitter choice is to cry
no use in fighting severe ache
grabbing sadness every fistful
then to arid desert like dry
moments to wallow in mistakes
all the reasons and all the due
hollow in pit of lungs a sigh
cold air from depth of the soul makes
streaks of light through the clouds are few
huddling cold until the dawn breaks



Curtal Sonnet

Some would argue as to whether it is a true sonnet, but I consider it to be just as valid as any other sonnet form. The Curtal is a curtailed or contracted sonnet, referring specifically to a sonnet comprising of a sestet with a rhyme scheme of
a. b. c. a. b. c. and a quintet rhyming, d. c. b. d. c.. or.. d. b. c. d. c. with the last line preferably a spondee (, but at least a tail shorter then the previous lines.

The form was devised by Gerard Manley who devised a metrical system known as Sprung rhythm; that has 1-to-4-syllable feet, each starting with a stressed syllable (sometimes a foot by itself), where the spondee replaces the iamb as the dominant measure, and rests and multiple non-stressed syllables discounted in scansion (

more info on Wikipedia...

I didn't do the special end line so I guess this may not be a TRUE Curtal Sonnet... oh well.


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